Digital Marketing strategy

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

This quote by Seth Godin — a best-selling author and one of the most prominent names in marketing — summarizes the essence of a Digital Marketing strategy: creating an online presence and generating value.

Besides being filled with cute dog videos and a lot of information, the Internet has become a place where companies can reach millions of consumers. For this reason, the effectiveness of a Digital Marketing strategy can turn a small business into a profitable brand.

Are you ready to understand how it generates value for your company?

A Digital Marketing Strategy Is Measurable

First, let’s understand what Digital Marketing is: it’s the online marketing efforts that a company or an individual puts in place to attract new business opportunities. Its focus relies on engaging customers and developing a brand identity.

Setting a Digital Marketing strategy has many steps. For it to be successful, one of these steps must be evaluation.

I mean, how will you change your approach if you don’t know what is actually working or not working?

Analytics allows real-time measurement of key elements:

  • how many people are viewing your ads or social posts;
  • how many customers or potential customers have opened your newsletters;
  • how many visits your company’s blog has;
  • how many users have completed a desired conversion through your website;
  • the number of people engaging with the company’s social media content.

Tracking the effectiveness of your Digital Marketing strategy is simple, and it makes all the difference.

It’s the Most Cost-Effective Marketing Approach

When it comes to a Digital Marketing strategy, prices are lower than most traditional marketing approaches.

It makes it possible for smaller companies to attract consumers’ attention and compete with big brands when we talk about exposure and ad space, which would probably be impossible in traditional marketing.

Some of the best Digital Marketing strategies involve:

  • Social Media Marketing;
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO);
  • Social Engine Marketing (SEM);
  • Affiliate Marketing;
  • Content Marketing;
  • Blogging;
  • E-mail Marketing;
  • Marketing Automation.

The strategy you choose can be versatile and diverse. Your business can use a few of the elements above combined to increase its reach and boost revenue.

It Attracts the People Your Company Wants (and Needs!) To Attract

“Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content and enthusiasm and ideas about how to solve that problem.”

Laura Fitton, Inbound Marketing Evangelist at HubSpot, said that.

One thing you must have in mind is that content is as important as the consumer.

Once your team gets it right, your company begins to attract the ideal client and offer the right type of content precisely when the consumer needs it, be it at the beginning, middle, or end of the buyer’s journey.

Choosing your business’s audience is up to you!

You can market to a broader audience or focus on a niche. The good news is: you don’t have to worry if there will be enough people to see your content because billions of people use the Internet.

It Helps To Engage With Customers and Develop Your Brand Identity

I am sure you already saw companies replying to customers in a funny way, be it on Twitter or other social media, and then going viral.

One good example is when a teenager asked a US fast-food chain for a year’s supply of chicken nuggets (and got it after the tweet became the most retweeted on the platform!).

Another great example is one of Magazine Luiza’s marketing campaigns. In 2018, this Brazilian company brought back the disastrous 7×1 in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, an occasion when Brazil lost the match to Germany.

The company asked Brazilian Twitter users if they would dare to watch the 2018 FIFA World Cup on the same television they watched Germany humiliating Brazil. Then, Magazine Luiza added a bit of fun to it all by inviting consumers to buy new televisions and saying they would ship the old ones to Argentina.

The result was great: the hashtag #ZicaParaArgentina (something like #BadLuckToArgentina) became a trending topic, engaged Twitter users for a while, and brought visibility to the company.

“Alright, alright! But how do I create a Digital Marketing strategy?”, you’re asking.

Well, you can start by:

  • creating a buyer persona;
  • identifying your company’s goals;
  • searching for the Digital Marketing tools your strategy will require;
  • evaluating your existing online channels;
  • planning your media campaigns (will you focus on your website, social media, blog, e-mail marketing, etc.?).

Each strategy should be unique and represent your company.

Digital Marketing, or Content Marketing, is more than just talking about the product you sell or the service you offer. It is about generating value for people so that they can generate value for your business.

Let’s see Red Bull’s example:

This energy drink company captures its audience by focusing on the sports community. The marketing team understood that creating content about the consumer’s lifestyle was more valuable to the audience than promoting the drink itself.

To conclude the idea of this post, I’d like to share what Maya Angelou, a Civil Rights Activist & Poet, said once:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

It applies beautifully to our personal or professional lives.

Nowadays, companies do not focus on generic messages. Instead, they try to touch the buyer persona’s heart and form a bond with customers. Do you remember Seth Godin’s quote? The whole idea is pretty much about it.

The way a person or a brand makes us feel represents our will to have them in our lives and keep engaging with them or buying from them.

Now you know how a Digital Marketing strategy generates value for your business. What about making all this information work in your favor?

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