Hi, I’m Veronica! I’m a freelance translator and content writer.

On the personal side, I love reading books, having nerdy conversations, and playing the piano in my free time. On the professional side, I translate and write compelling content to help you achieve your goals.

To back up my expertise, I earned a bachelor’s degree from UniSantos University, in which the Translation & Interpreting course has the maximum rate given by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, I have obtained several certificates, which are readily available for your review on my LinkedIn profile. Some of these certificates include:

  • Digital Marketing;
  • Content Marketing;
  • Inbound Marketing;
  • SEO;
  • Copywriting;
  • Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE).

As a freelance translator, I have already collaborated with world-renowned clients through companies such as RWS (formerly SDL), MotaWord, and TED. As a freelance content writer and copywriter, I have written blog posts, guest posts, short and long-form content focused on SEO, and marketing materials for companies such as Vistatec, Argos Multilingual, Rock Content, GestãoClick, and Hotmart.

I take pride in never missing a deadline. My main goal is to provide high-quality services, become your long-term partner, and be there when you need something done and delivered on time.